You, <<textbox "$name" "">>, have been placed in a testing facility. It has been constructed by a loving (if erratic) entity. If you fully explore it, you'll get to do something fun!
Oh - I'll also need your shoe size <<textbox "$shoesize" "">>.
Just as a heads up, there are spiders in this game, but there are no <i>images</i> of spiders, and they won't hurt you.
When you're ready to start the testing procedure, click [[here|Room1]].
<<set $hasMatches to false>>
<<set $hasGas_Can to false>>
<<set $hasKarmaPoint to false>>
<<set $hasShift to false>>
<<set $hasSocks to false>>
[[Take the path of mercy and peace|Spared]]
[[Back|Hallway1]] <img src="images/staffkitchen.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a narrow kitchen with stainless steel fixtures." />
You enter a staff kitchen. There's a sign on the fridge about how none of your family members work here. There are several mugs by the sink, all upside down.
You can buy all WOVEN ITEMS here.
[[Buy A SHIFT|SpiderStoreShift]]
[[Buy SOCKS|SpiderStoreSocks]]
[[Buy ROPE|SpiderStoreSoldRope]]
That's it.
[[Back to Kitchen|StaffKitchen]]<img src="images/mugs.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a mug that says WHAT A TIME TO BE GAY AND A LIVE" />
This mug is pretty cool. Most of the rest of them just say things like "You don't have to be one half of a plutonium sphere to work here, but it helps!"
[[Back to Kitchen|StaffKitchen]]
[[|Check the Fridge|CHECK THE FRIDGE]]
[[Turn over a mug|Matches]]
<img src="images/hallway 1.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a pleasant hallway with windows down the right side." />
You are walking down a hallway. The view out the windows is of a pleasant garden. Doors are NORTH and WEST.
[[Back|Room1]] <img src="images/hallway 2.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a very fancy hallway with a chandelier." />
You are in a very fancy hallway lit by a chandelier. There are doors to the SOUTH and EAST.
<<if $hasMatches is true>>Try [[East|Stairs2]] again.
<<elseif $hasMatches is false>>[[East|EastDoorLocked]]
[[Back|Room1]]<img src="images/storage.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a storage room full of boxes and tubs" />
[[Look in tubs|LookInTubs]]
[[Look at boxes|BactiCineratorIV]]
[[Leave|Hallway1]] <img src="images/bacticineratorIV.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a box for a machine called the Bacti-Cinerator IV" />
"Ehhh I liked Bacti-Cinerator II better," you say to no one.
[[Back to the Storeroom|Storage]]You found . . . THE SPIDER STORE!!
If you have a Karma Point, you may redeem it for one item.
<<if $hasKarmaPoint is true>> Since you walk the path of peace with your arachnid brethren, [[you have a Karma Point!|SpiderStore]]
<<elseif $hasKarmaPoint is false>> Regrettably, you squished a spider. You receive nothing but reproachful stares from many many baleful eyes. [[Close the lid in embarassment|Storage]]
[[Back to the Storeroom|Storage]]<img src="images/hallway3.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a dim, narrow hallway with several doors." />
This hallway is dimly lit. There are doors to the NORTH, EAST and WEST.
[[West|Storage2]]<img src="images/stairs2.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of an elegant curved staircase" />
An elegant staircase. You can go up!
[[Go up the stairs|Hallway3]]
[[Turn back|Hallway2]]<img src="images/concourse.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a busy train station concourse." />
This place is huge! There's so many people!
[[Freshen Up|WashroomMirror]]
[[Leave|Hallway3]]<img src="images/paintedwindow.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of the corner of a room, with a window visible. The window has been painted over." />
This is kind of a shitty room. It has a window, but it was painted over. Huh.
<<if $hasGas_Can is true>>The painted-over window seems to be just slightly open. [[What's behind it?|Stairs3]]
<<elseif $hasGas_Can is false>>The painted-over window intrigues you, but there doesn't seem to be a way to open it. [[Oddly enough, it smells faintly of gasoline.|Hallway3]]
[[Leave|Hallway3]] <img src="images/thisthing.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a weird stuffed anthro cat head or something idk" />
There's this thing.
[[Leave|Hallway3]] Oh
There's just an nice unattended gas can full of gas under a bench here. That's weird. And probably unsafe! It shouldn't be just sitting here like this.
[[Take it (for safety)|GetGasCan]]
[[Leave it|Concourse]]<img src="images/washroom.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a nice washroom with a mirror." />
A nice, quiet washroom (the door locks and everything!) to take a breather in.
You splash a little water on your cute face and also look at your cute face while it has a little water on it.
<<if $hasShift is true>>You admire the flattering shift you bought from the Spider Store!
<<elseif $hasShift is false>>
<<if $hasSocks is true>>You can't really see them in the mirror, but knowing you have nice socks makes you feel confident!
<<elseif $hasSocks is false>>
<<if $hasRope is true>>The rope coiled around your shoulder and under one arm makes you look like you're ready for anything. You gotta tell people about this rope, it's so cool.
<<elseif $hasRope is false>>
What an adorable little thing you are, $name!
But of course, one can't spend forever admiring oneself, no matter how cute.
[[Head back to the Concourse|Concourse]]
<<set $hasMatches to true>>
Oh! It's a little box of matches. There's a picture of a fancy key on the box.
[[Take it with you!|LOOK AT MUGS]]
<img src="images/stairs3.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a narrow, twisting staircase." />
Ough these are steep.
[[Go down|Hallway 4]]
[[Back|PaintedWindow]] The door is locked. But what if you had a key? Or something with a picture of a key on it? The door's not gonna know the difference.
[[Try another door|Hallway2]] <img src="images/hallway4.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a wide hallway leading to an open garage door. You can see outside." />
This hallway leads outside! Cool!
[[Back|Stairs3]] <img src="images/goatgarden.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of an enormous goat made of straw." />
Congratulations, $name! You've made it out of the testing facility.
You're in a lovely garden! And in the center is a giant goat made of straw!
Hmm, what to do now?
<<if $hasMatches is true>>Well, you do have these matches.
<<elseif $hasMatches is false>> Dang, no matches [[How did you get here??|StaffKitchen]]
<<if $hasGas_Can is true>> And you do have this nice gas can full of gas. [[I think you know what to do here|EndScene]]
<<elseif $hasGas_Can is false>> Dang, no nice gas can full of gas. [[How did you get here??|Concourse]]
<</if>><img src="images/endscene.png" width= 50% alt="A photo of an enormous goat made of straw burning merrily." />
THE END<<set $hasGas_Can to true>>
You pick up the gas can so you can be responsible with it ^_^
[[Back to the Concourse|Concourse]]WHAT NO STOP I SAID THEY WOULDN'T HURT Y-
yeah okay whatever you rain down size $shoesize death upon an unsuspecting spider. Now that magical girl anime from 1993 will never make it to the Internet Archive.
[[Leave|Hallway1]] You nod respectfully at the spiders and leave them be. Soon you'll be able to watch an obscure magical girl anime from 1993 on the Internet Archive!
You have earned a Karma Point!
<<set $hasKarmaPoint to true>>You have a finely woven linen shift! It is soft and comfy and would probably look extremely good with a leather belt and some boots. Maybe a scarf, too?
[[Back to Storage|Storage]]
<<set $hasShift to true>>
You have delightful new socks! There's a pattern of cellular peptides on them in a lovely mint green!
[[Back to Storage|Storage]]
<<set $hasSocks to true>>You have 50 feet of rope! Make sure to mention this at every opportunity.
[[Back to Storage|Storage]]
<<set $hasRope to true>><img src="images/room1.jpg" width= 50% alt="A photo of a space with two doors." />
You are in a big room with two doors. You can either go [[NORTH|Hallway1]] or [[WEST|Hallway2]].
[[Back to Start Page|Start]]